End of Summer update

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven..." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Summer came and went quickly, but the one thing that remains is God's love and the Texas heat. It has been an eventful summer for Tenfifteen Ministries. Our men's team won the league again, we hosted open pick up several Fridays during the summer where testimonies of God's faithfulness were shared each time, went to Costa Rica for a soccer mission trip, served with Love Is Ministry and the Summer Soccer League, the Youth Academy has been playing in indoor leagues all summer, and we have continued to share God's message of hope in Jesus Christ to all who would hear.

Tenfifteen FC // Through much discussion, planning and prayer, we have decided to turn our focus to one men's team (we had two this past spring) moving forward. We plan to expend our efforts in coaching, tactics, fitness, leadership training, and discipleship on a focused group of 30 proven players. What I mean by "proven" is mostly proven to be committed. We have learned a lot since launching our soccer club last year at this time. One thing is the importance of committed players. We have also landed on a good rhythm for leadership training and discipleship. Travis Loyd, team chaplain, leads the discipleship of the team through deep messages every other Wednesday before training. He also holds Chapel before every home game, and most of the team shows up to this. Leadership training looks like reading a book per season, and each player presenting an assigned chapter with their assigned group on every other Wednesday during the season.

The men's team will be competing in the UPSL, which is a national league with hundreds of teams participating in the league all over the country. If we win our league, they go to regionals and nationals. Also, the team will be competing in the Open Cup, which is a tournament that if they can keep winning, they potentially could play against professional teams in the USL and MLS. Needless to say, the guys are very excited about the Open Cup.

Lastly, we got a cool new logo for our club.

Prayer request: We are looking for sponsors for the men's team. Mostly, jersey sponsors that would want to support the team financially, and we have been praying for churches and Christian organizations and churches to meet with. Please pray for these meetings, or if you know any faith-based organizations that would be interested, reach out to us.

Tenfifteen FC Academy // The Youth Academy will be competing in another competitive league this fall. We will be focusing on skills and learning the right time to pass/how to get open. They have improved so much since we started last year. The discipleship looks like memorizing Scripture together as a team. They have memorized John 3:16 and Colossians 3:23. We will be working on one verse per month during the fall.

Prayer request: On Wednesdays the Youth will be training on the grassy area in front of our church, One Church. We have some ideas circulating about soccer, discipleship and tutoring during this time for kids in and surrounding the neighborhood. You can be praying for God's will to be done with these ideas.

Beautiful Feet // This summer we partnered with Love Is ministry and the Summer Soccer League. The league hosts hundreds of refugees from ages 6-18, sets them up in teams according to their age, and puts on a 6 week tournament where they have one game each week at a field located by Sam Tasby school in Dallas. Our players have been volunteering as refs, coaches, water boys..etc. each Saturday.

Craig and Jacqueline Noguez have not been able to do soccer at Sienna Springs apartments as much this summer because of the heat, but they continue to stay connected with the parents and kids through ESL classes and prayer walks.

Prayer request: Please pray for our Youth outreach through soccer this fall, for more opportunities and more volunteers. Just like the previous request, pray for the ideas about soccer, discipleship, and tutoring at our church. Also, pray for Sienna Springs apartments, that they would be able to stay connected with the kids that were committed throughout the spring/summer.

Costa Rica // I have intentionally not done an update on Costa Rica because we are waiting for the final video from the trip, and an update written by one of the people that went on the trip. It was an amazing trip and there are many exciting details to share, but I will wait for that post... coming soon.

Praise report // We are amazed at the monthly support and donations at different times throughout the year given by many to make Tenfifteen Ministries happen. We are so thankful for our supporters and our shared mission to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and make disciples through soccer! Thank you!