Ministry Updates & Prayer requests

"Pray without ceasing" 1 Thessalonians 5:17

With this update we are inviting you to pray with us for several upcoming events during the summer with Tenfifteen Ministries.

  1. Costa Rica- 6 of our staff is going to Costa Rica on July 5-11. The purpose of the trip is to establish 10//15 FC in Costa Rica. We will do this by equipping some very committed volunteers from a church we are connected with down there and forming a team from the boys they have already been doing soccer and discipleship with. We created a Coaching Course that we will be taking the coaches through for 3 days of the trip to equip them to know everything that 10//15 is all about, and also further their coaching education. There is a U14 boys team that we will form into 10//15 FC. Our staff has been fasting one meal per day the entire month of June to take time to intentionally pray for specific things regarding the trip. For example, week 1, we prayed for the volunteer coaches who will be leading the new team. We prayed for their abiding in Christ, because from that comes everything in life. You cannot serve if there is no abundance of the Holy Spirit to draw from. If you are not abiding in Christ and serving a lot, you are drawing on your own strength. The second week we prayed for the players who will be on the team (about 15 boys)- that they would know Christ as their Lord and Savior and be discipled by their local church. And for the last two weeks before the trip we will be praying for the details of the trip- that they would be worked out- things like transportation and stay, and the itinerary. We pray that everything would honor and glorify God. This trip has been postponed and changed since March 2020, so we are very excited that it is finally happening! Will you please take time to pray for these things with us?

  2. 10//15 FC- We currently have two men's team and a youth team in 10//15 FC. Our top men's team is competing in the league final this Sunday. Our U23 men's team have their last game this Saturday. The Youth boys team is in-between summer seasons. We will be making some changes for the fall. We are dropping the U23 team and focusing on one men's team. We added the U23 team because of an over abundance of young players that were asking to play on 10//15 earlier this year. The player's commitment level did not meet our standard, so we are dropping the team for now to focus on the Senior men's team. The Senior men's team will be joining the UPSL in the fall, which is the highest level a men's team can play before going pro. We feel confident that this is the right thing to do for the ministry for the next season. We will be able to accomplish more things with just one team to focus on and make the experience all-around more professional and focused for our players. Please pray for the transition. Please pray also for a youth team to be added from Sienna Springs apartment this fall. Craig and Jacqueline are trying to form a team of some Afghan and African refugees to compete in LHSA in the fall. They are having some trouble with the Afghan kid's parents because of the gospel messages being preached and the Bible being read.

  3. Beautiful Feet- Please pray with us as we partner with Love Is Ministry this summer in the Summer Soccer League. Love Is Ministry is a refugee ministry in Dallas that Zach and Casey served in extensively for 4 years. The Summer Soccer League is put on by many volunteers and local churches coming together to serve local refugees with soccer for Christ. The league runs Saturdays from 10-12 all summer. The players form their own teams from age 7-18 and they compete in the league at a field near Sam Tasby middle school. Gospel presentations are scattered throughout the summer. So please be praying for logistics and details to come together- it starts this Saturday- and pray for enough volunteers (coaches, referees, registration, nurse, uniform manager, trainers, water volunteers, transportation). This is an amazing event that will host a couple hundred kids. Pray that their hearts would be softened to hear the gospel and discipleship if there are kids who accept Christ. Also, pray for the players of the men's team of 10//15 FC because they are required to serve at this event at least one time. Pray that their hearts would be softened to the word of God as well as they serve and hear gospel messages.

  4. Summer Pick Up- Every Friday we have open pick up. We get around 50 young adults out there each time. At the end of pick up they hear a testimony and gospel message. Two weeks ago they heard Zach's testimony. You know it's powerful when all the young adults have their phones away and are listening intently. This week they will hear Summer Chaffin's testimony of God's faithfulness in completely transforming her life from a "child of wrath" to "daughter of the king". We will have different believers sharing their testimony each week, so please pray for their stories to resonate with the group and, again, for hearts to be softened to the gospel, and for God to open eyes to the truth of the gospel.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers!