February 2023

This month we said goodbye for now to our friends the Gamboa's, who have moved to Costa Rica to live. Daniel and Sarah have been an integral part of Tenfifteen Ministries since we met them in 2020. Daniel came out to one of our Covid pick up groups in July of 2020, and he has been with us ever since. He has attended nearly every Tenfifteen Ministries event including helping us start the competitive club- Tenfifteen FC- in 2021. To say that we will miss them is a big understatement. We not only did ministry with them, but became very close friends and did many things together with our families. We will be praying and staying in touch with the Gambao's as they seek to serve and to share the gospel with communities in Costa Rica using soccer.

Tenfifteen FC

Aside from the Gamboa's moving away, February has looked similar to January as far as Tenfifteen FC is concerned. The team continues to prepare for the upcoming UPSL season. The first game is April 1st against one of the best teams in the nation, FORO 360. The team has been working hard during the offseason. Mostly. we have been having them running a lot of fitness and working on attacking patterns. We have been sad to see some of our players move on from the team for a myriad of different reasons- starting a family, moving away, focusing on career...etc., but we have been pleased to welcome some new players that have made an immediate impression. Each Tuesday when training is over, Zach has been reading a chapter in the book of Mark and expanding on it briefly. Coming up in March, the practice schedule for the team will be changing to trainings on Mondays and Thursdays. This opens up Tuesday nights for us, so we will be hosting a team bible study at our house on Tuesday nights for players from the team. Several of the players have expressed interest in learning how to read the Bible or be a part of a men's bible study, so the new schedule gives the opportunity to serve the players in this way.

Beautiful Feet

Pray for the opportunity to serve the youth by sharing the gospel and making disciples in our community by using soccer clinics 1x a month together with ONE church. We are hopeful to have the first clinic on March 11.

Thank you for your continued support and prayer!!